Changing workflow stage manually

Internally, the workflow stage is determined based on the assignments on the record. You can view these in the Assigned To drilldown, which you can access through the hamburger on the record. 

If you go to the assignment record, you will see there is a field called "Stage". This holds the name of the workflow, an underscore, and the name of the last stage that ran. 

If you are comfortable doing so, you can change this manually if you are logged in as an administrator, however keep in mind that only authorized users will be able to act on a record, based on the roles that they have. To change the stage of a record manually, (1) go to the record, (2) go to the first Assigned To entry, then (3) go to Admin Tools, and run a script like this:

var #rec = load(&path)
set #rec/Stage = str:Split(#rec/Stage, "_", 1) + "_" + "NewStage"
save #rec

...note that NewStage should be replaced with the name of the workflow stage (with spaces removed) where you want it to be set to. This will be the parent stage of the options you want to now be visible.

If it also needs to be changed to a different user, you can do this by also replacing NewUser with the UserID of the user.

var #rec = load(&path)
set #rec/Stage = str:Split(#rec/Stage, "_", 1) + "_" + "NewStage"
set #rec/User = "NewUser"
save #rec

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Up Since 2/29/2024 12:02:23 AM