Script to send email to users with certain roles

What script can I use to send email to one or more role groups? 


Staff Response: 

You would use EMailUsersEx to send to a list of users, and load(&root/Users[Roles/RoleID="Manager"]) to get a list of users who have the Manager role. 

So you would just do something like: 

var #users = load(&root/Users[Roles/RoleID="Manager"]) 
 call EMailUsersEx(#users, subject, body, null)

User Response: 

If wanted to include more than one roles and also a list of other users? How should I add them to the list? 

Staff Response: 

You can just add multiple roles like this: 

var #users = load(&root/Users[Roles/RoleID="Manager", Roles/RoleID="Accounting"]) 

 ...and you can add other users like this: 

add load(&root/Users[UserID="xxx"]) to #users

 ...where xxx is the user ID of the user you want to add. Just repeat that line for each user.

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