Permanent system log

Is there any way to get an historical system log? Seems that the systemlog.aspx URL clears out when the server restarts.

Staff Response:

The system log is meant as a developer log and is transient, meaning it disappears as soon as the server is restarted. It also only retains about 1000 lines of the system log at any one time.

If you want to record specific system events such as details about submissions then you should use the System Log event in the System Events area. This script is invoked for every interaction by the user, and can be used to record information in a central list somewhere (eg. under the Configuration tab) and maintain a central transaction log for the whole system, or for checking IP addresses of users to ensure against unauthorized access. You can find more info about that here:,Page,advanced_Application_Options,KB.aspx

For the Professional Edition, a list of transactions is also recorded for auditing purposes, under the Files/TxnLog folder. These are retained for 3 months, and keep information on the user ID, IP address and basic information about what was posted.

WorkflowFirst Support 

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