Archiving Records

Hi Support,

I would like to "archive" records that have reached the "Complete" state and are older than 60 days. I believe there is not an inherent way to do this, but perhaps you can suggest
a way to do this?

Perhaps move records to another Tab called Archive?

How are other users dealing with this?


Staff Response:

There are a few ways to approach this. 

Generally, you would have a backup strategy for your SQL Server database and be able to retrieve old data from an archive of the whole database. In this case, if it's not likely that archived data will be needed on an adhoc basis, then you can rely on the data being archived in that backup and just delete data older than 60 days. 

If you want the data more readily available then you could move the records to another tab (the function call Move(&source, &destination) can be used for this). Just keep in mind that if the other tab uses the same type (ie. uses Existing Type) then the same events will be raised on that archived data as on the original data. You can also just copy the fields into a new tab, and copy the data into there rather than re-using the original tab. 

Either way you will need to have the archiving run as a script on a scheduled job, possibly every day, and you should try to make sure that archiving isn't going to run during peak production activity. 

So long as the indexes are set up correctly, there shouldn't be much of an issue with having all data archived in the same database - just that the database file may become very large. 


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Up Since 2/29/2024 12:02:23 AM