WorkflowFirst provides an easy way to create a data repository which include entry forms and display screens. But often enough a more detailed view of the data is required, one that aggregates, summarizes and otherwise processes the data, and this needs to be presented in a manner that is suitable for printing.
This is where the reporting features of WorkflowFirst step in. WorkflowFirst lets developers create reports in a couple of ways: either through an ad-hoc reporting interface where fields are selected in a point-and-click interface, or with absolute flexibility using a combination of Microsoft Word or HTML templates and embedded DbfScript commands.
Reports can be created either in HTML or in PDF format through a selection in the server configuration record.
Once the report is created, it becomes accessible through the Reports list in the application screen.
There are two sections to the report list. The top section shows the reports that are related to the current selection in the application. The reports related to the current record along with reports related to parent records are shown in this list. If a report for a parent record is selected, then that report runs as if the parent record were currently the focus on the screen.
The section below that contains a list of the global reports that can be run from anywhere.
Both types of reports can either run immediately or require parameters input from the user before running. Reports that require parameters will appear with an ellipses (...) at the end of the report title.
This section delves into creating these reports and exploring their capabilities.