Record List
The next section, below the tabs, is the screen for the currently selected tab. This shows either a list of records, or the selected record. Below is a screen showing a list of records.
The first line is the name of the list, in this case the 'Customers' list. To the far right of that title is a button ' + ' that will take you to an empty form that, once filled out, will be used to create a new record in the list.
Note : The create new button ( + ) may not always be available. You can disable that button for lists that you don't want the user to change, for example.
Underneath that is the Quick Entry area. This may or may not be available depending on the list you're viewing. It provides a quick way to enter a new record by just typing the required fields, (eg. Company Name) and then click the Add button or hit the Enter key.
The next line is the list of column titles. Any column title can be clicked to sort or filter the list by that column. Below is a list of sort and filter actions.
- First click will sort by that column in ascending order.
- Second click will switch to descending order.
- Third click will group by that field and show you only the unique values. Using the above image as an example, if 'Type' is clicked the third time, it will list the unique values Customer and Partner, disregarding the details in the other columns. If you click Customer, it will expand to list all records with Customer 'Type'. This is useful if you want to filter certain values in the record list.
- Fourth click will remove the sort or grouping and revert to the default sort order for that list.
Note : When you sort columns that are dropdown lists, the order will be based on the order of the values in the dropdown.
Underneath the row of column titles is the list of records themselves, each showing values under the corresponding column title. Each record is shown with alternating, banded colors. Hovering the mouse over a record will highlight it. To view details of a particular record, you just select that record. Also, some field values are links themselves that will take you to the corresponding record in the system.
When there are too many items to show on one screen, links will be provided at the bottom for jumping to the next page. Each page shows 20 items.
Tip : Each of the links displayed on the screen take you to a different URL. This means that every aspect of both WorkflowFirst and your own applications has its own web address. This can be very useful when sending links to others, or creating bookmarks/favorites to specific screens.
For some lists you will see an 'arrow' expansion icon for each row on the far-left of the list. Clicking this will be the same as opening the record and clicking one of the 'GoTo' items. Normally the 'GoTo' item that is of the same type as the list will be the one used by the 'arrow' icon. An example of a list with expansion icons is shown below:
In the top, right-hand corner of the list, there is a triangle pointing downwards. Clicking this will display a context menu offering some clipboard options, as shown below.
This same menu is also available through a dropdown button at the far right of each row so you don't have to view the detail of the record first:
These options are explained below:
• Pick-Up: Similar to the 'Cut' option you find in desktop applications, this prepares the record to be moved from one place to another.
• Pick-Up Copy: Similar to the 'Copy' option you find in desktop applications, this prepares the record to be copied to somewhere else in the database.
• Drop Above This: Similar to 'drag and drop' functions in desktop applications, this pastes the record into the list at the location specified.
• Drop Below This: Similar to 'drag and drop' functions in desktop applications, this pastes the record into the list at the location specified.
• Edit: This option edits the current record, and returns to this screen once the record is edited.
• Delete: This option deletes the current record.
When you're viewing a list of records, different options are shown that act on all of the records on the screen:
• Pick-Up All : This option puts all items in the list (across all pages) into the clipboard. This is similar to selecting all items, and selecting 'Cut' in traditional desktop applications.
• Pick-Up Copy of All : This option puts a copy of all items in the list (across all pages) into the clipboard. This is similar to selecting all items, and selecting 'Copy' in traditional desktop applications.
• Drop In List : This option takes the records in the clipboard and inserts them into the list.
• Delete All : This option deletes all of the records in the current list. Please use this option with extreme caution!
• Easy Select On: This enables the 'easy select' mode that makes it easier to focus on multiple-selecting records on touch-based devices. This is discussed in more detail on section on selecting records.