Save As Draft

Sometimes your workflow request forms can be large or may take time to complete. In these cases it may be useful to be able to save your form and edit it at a later time, before finally submitting it. Now with WorkflowFirst you can do this by simply setting the feature "Save As Draft" on the workflow settings.

Once this is enabled and the workflow published, the first stage of the workflow will not be submitted immediately. Instead you will fill out the form, click OK and then will be presented with three options: Submit, Edit Draft and Cancel.

If you select Cancel, then the record will be deleted from the system and you will have to enter a new one.

If you elect Edit Draft, then the form will be displayed again, populated with the values you have entered so far. You can then continue to fill out the form, or make corrections, and when you click OK it will once again give you the option to edit, cancel or submit the form.

When you're done editing the form, you can click Submit. This will then continue the workflow as per your workflow diagram.

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v4.2.0.956 (beta)
Up Since 2/29/2024 12:02:23 AM