Ledger Calculations

This script is used in a Money Manager application.

var &accountPath = GetPath(#input/Account)
 var &accountLedger = &accountPath/Ledger
 var #ledgerRec = new record for &accountLedger
 set #ledgerRec/Date = #input/Date
 set #ledgerRec/Payee = #input/Payee
 if (#input/Amount>0) then
    set #ledgerRec/Credit = #input/Amount
    set #ledgerRec/Debit = - #input/Amount
 end if
 set #ledgerRec/SalesTax = #input/SalesTax
 set #ledgerRec/Notes = #input/Notes
 set #ledgerRec/RelatedTransaction = MakeLink("Link", &path)
 insert #ledgerRec at &accountLedger

 // then add it to the category, if any is specified
 if (Exists(#input/Category)) then
    var &accountPath = GetPath(#input/Category)
    var &accountLedger = &accountPath/Ledger
    var #ledgerRec = new record for &accountLedger
    set #ledgerRec/Date = #input/Date
    set #ledgerRec/Payee = #input/Payee
    if (#input/Amount>0) then
       set #ledgerRec/Credit = #input/Amount
       // both are credit for category
       set #ledgerRec/Credit = - #input/Amount
      end if
    set #ledgerRec/SalesTax = #input/SalesTax
    set #ledgerRec/Notes = #input/Notes
    set #ledgerRec/RelatedTransaction = MakeLink("Link", &path)
    insert #ledgerRec at &accountLedger
 end if

 // update the last entries in the file
 var &txnFilePath = Parent(&path)
 var #txnFile = load(&txnFilePath)
 set #txnFile/LastEntryDate = Now()
 set #txnFile/LastEntryTitle = #input/Payee
 set #txnFile/LastEntryBy = ForeignLinkDisplay(UserRef())
 save #txnFile

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v4.2.0.956 (beta)
Up Since 2/29/2024 12:02:23 AM