String Functions

Any str:NewStringBuilder()
Returns a string builder, which is used to create large strings efficiently.

NoReturn str:Append(Any strBuilder, String str)
Adds text to a string builder efficiently.

String str:MakeIdentifier(String name)
Returns a value suitable for use as an code identifier.

String str:Replace(String origStr, String toFind, String replaceWith)
Replaces the first occurrence of toFind in origStr with replaceWith.

String str:ReplaceAll(String origStr, String toFind, String replaceWith)
Replaces all occurrences of toFind in origStr with replaceWith.

String str:ReplaceIgnoreCase(String origStr, String toFind, String replaceWith)
Replaces the first occurrence of toFind in origStr with replaceWith, regardless of case.

String str:StripOutHtml(String origStr)
Removes all HTML encodings from the given text.

String str:ToString(Any any)
Returns a string representation of any data.

Boolean str:Contains(String text, String token)
Returns true if the token is found in text.

Boolean str:StartsWith(String text, String token)
Returns true if text starts with token.

Boolean str:EndsWith(String text, String token)
Returns true if text ends with token.

String str:Trim(String text, String token)
Trims the given text of any occurrences of token (usually a space character).

String str:ToUpper(String text)
Returns an uppercase version of text.

String str:ToTitleCase(String text)
Uppercases the first initial of each word in text.

String str:ToLower(String text)
Returns a lowercase version of text.

Number str:Syllables(String text)
Estimates the number of syllables in text.

Number str:IndexOf(String text, String token)
Returns the 0-based index of token in text.

String str:RandomPassword()
Returns a new random password.

String str:Split(String text, String token, Number index)
Splits text into a list of tokens and returns the item at index (1-based).

List str:SplitIntoList(String text, String token)
Splits text into a list of tokens, returns that list.

List StringList(String list, String delim)
Splits the string into a list based on delimeter.

String WikiFormat(String wiki)
Converts wiki formatted text to HTML.

String DescribeNode(Record node)
Returns a text representation of the given record.

String HtmlNode(Record node)
Returns HTML-formatted representation of the given record.

String str:Substring(Any str, Number start, Number len)
Returns a portion of the given string (start, for len characters).

String str:CropString(Any str, Number len)
Crops the string to the given length. If it exceeds the length, adds an ellipses to the end.

String str:SubstringRight(Any ostr, Number len)
Returns len characters from the end of the string.

Number str:Length(Any ostr)
Returns the length of the given string.

String str:CharAt(Any ostr, Number index)
Returns the character at index in the given string.

Boolean str:IsDigit(Any ostr)
Returns true if the given character is a digit.

Boolean str:IsLetter(Any ostr)
Returns true if the given character is a letter.

Boolean regex:IsMatch(String source, String pattern)
Performs a regular expression match on source using the given pattern. Returns true if it matches.

List regex:Matches(String input, String pattern)
Performs a regular expression match on source using the given pattern. Returns the matches.

List regex:Filter(List source, String field, String pattern)
Performs a regular expression filter on source using the given pattern.

String regex:Replace(String source, String pattern, String replacement)
Replaces all occurrences that match pattern in source with replacement.

String[] regex:Split(String source, String pattern)
Splits the source string into a list based on matches to pattern.

Number regex:Match(String source, String pattern)
Returns the number of matches of pattern in source.

Any GetDataByNameForDisplay(Record node, String field)
Retrieves the value (field) from the given record (node), formatted in a way that is suitable for display to the user.

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