Path Functions

Path GetRandomRecordPath(Path path)
Retrieves a random record from the given list path.

Path ExtractPath(Path origPath, Path pathLikeThis)
Takes the path origPath and returns the portion of that path up to the part that matches the type specified in pathLikeThis.

Path Parent(Path path)
Returns the parent of the given path.

Path ClearPredicates(Path path)
Removes the predicates from the end of the given path.

Path AddPath(Path path, String item)
Add the given path item (item) to path.

Path GetFriendlyPath(Path path)
Returns a user-friendly representation of the given path.

String DescribePath(Path path)
Returns a long representation of the given path.

NoReturn SetPath(Record node, Path path)
Sets the path of the given record.

Path GetPath(Any oval)
Returns the path of the given record or link.

List PointersTo(Path path, Path typeName, String foreignField)
Returns a list of paths that point (through link fields) to the given path, for the given typename and link field name.

String DescribePathSimple(Path cpath, Number start, Number end)
Returns a simple description of the given path, starting at start and ending at path item end.

Path path:CropPath(Path path, Number size)
Crops the given path to the given number of items (size).

Number path:PathLength(Path path)
Returns the number of path items in the given path.

CPathItem path:GetLastPathItem(Path path)
Returns the last path item as a special object.

String path:GetPathItemName(CPathItem item)
Returns the name of the special path item.

NoReturn path:AddPredicate(CPathItem item, String field, String op, Any val)
Adds a predicate (fied, op (eg. "="), val) to the given special path object.

List path:GetPredicates(CPathItem item)
Returns a list of predicates on the given special path object.

Path path:CropToPath(Path cpath, String pathItem)
Crops the given path up to the given path item.

String path:GetIDPredicate(CPathItem item)
Returns the value of the ID predicate on the given special path object.

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