Multiple Selection

At the end of each row in a record list will be a small circle. When clicked this will select that row. You can select multiple rows, on several pages, and then run various actions on these rows. The purpose of this is to allow more efficient management of many records.

You can also select ALL records by clicking the small circle at the top of the list. A particularly useful feature is the ability to use the Find form in conjunction with this. When filtered by a Find form, the 'select all circle' will select all the records that match the current filter.

Once multiple records are selected, you can then act on that selection only. The dropdown at the top of the list will have options to pick up or delete only the selected records, for example.

There is also an Easy Select mode that can be toggled from the dropdown menu above the list. When Easy Select is on, there will be two larger circles surrounding each row. These circles are optimized for access by touch devices. This can be useful when the user is expected to sift through large numbers of records and perform a single action on them all.

You can create your own actions that run on multiple selections. See the Supports Lists option in the section creating actions for more information.

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v4.2.0.956 (beta)
Up Since 2/29/2024 12:02:23 AM