Advanced Application Options

Under the Application record there is also an Advanced goto item. This contains some less common options for customizing applications.

 Xml Actions: This controls whether the application will display the Import XML and Export XML options to the end user.

Spreadsheet Actions: This controls whether the application will display the Import Spreadsheet and Export Spreadsheet options to the end user.

FavIcon File: The FavIcon is a small PNG file that will display as an icon in the web page title, usually beside the text of the browser tab. The image must be 16x16, 32x32, 48x48 or 64x64 in size. Browser support may vary.

Casual User Edit Message: If a non-licensed casual user attempts an edit, the system normally provides a message telling the user they must be licensed and to contact the administrator. This option allows the developer to override that message. It's possible, for example, that the user is part of a trial program and the developer would rather direct them to a proprietary signup page.

Allow Self Upgrade: Indicates if the users will see the Make Power User action on their user profile record. By default, all users who are not already Power Users will see this action. If this was set to No, only the administrator can make them a Power User.

Disallow Password Change: If this is set to Yes, the regular Update Password action will not be displayed. Instead, the developer will typically provide their own action to update the password. This may be required, for example, if you integrate with Active Directory and need to update the password on the Active Directory site.

App Links: This is text that will be included at the top right corner of the application window, where the user name is displayed. This text can include HTML (eg. links).

Home Page Links: This lets you add one or more links to pages that will appear on the Dashboard tab. An example may be a link to a user guide or tutorial videos.

Override Width: Typically, the web page in your application will resize according to the available screen width. However, you can force the width to a specific pixel value by entering it in here.

Default Font Size: A standard font size is used in WorkflowFirst applications. To increase or decrease the font size, enter the new font size (in points) here.

Form Horiz Fields: The number of horizontal spaces for fields in a typical form. By default, forms show 4 spaces for fields to be allocated into. You can increase or decrease that across the whole system here.

Override Banner Color: The background color where the logo is displayed (above the application tabs) is referred to as the banner. You can override the color of that here.

Banner Content: On the right hand side of the banner, by default, the application description is displayed. However, this can be extended by the options in this list. For example, you can select to show the current date and time to the user here.

Show Goto Links: By default, your application will only show drilldown options in the hamburger menu. If you wish to see drilldown links along the top of a record (as you would in WorkflowFirst Professional) then set this to Yes.

WebMode Non-Admin Data View: Typically in a web-mode application, only administrators can view the common dataview.aspx pages. Set this to Yes if you want to allow other users to be able to view those pages also.

Single Session Per User: When this is set, a user login can only be active on one machine (or browser) at a time. If they attempt to login to a different machine or another browser, their previous sessions will be terminated.

Assignment Visibility Role: By default all users can see the Assigned To, Workflow History and View By drilldowns once a record is assignable. This allows you to specify a particular role that will be required to see those drilldowns. (New feature in WorkflowFirst version 4.01)

System Events 

 The System Events area allows developers to write scripts to override or enhance specific features in your WorkflowFirst application. Different entries in there are invoked by the system at specific times, depending on the event. The following events are supported:

 • Authenticate: This is invoked whenever a user is authenticated by the system, typically during the login stage, but also to revalidate sessions on a regular basis to ensure the user is still authorized to use the system. More information about the authentication script can be found here

 • Reset Password: This script is invoked whenever the user clicks the Forgot password on the login page, or when they run the Reset Password action after logging in. The input to this script is simply the EMail field, and &path is the path to the user. 

 • Error Handler: This is invoked whenever an error is displayed to the user. It can be useful for recording all errors in a central place. The following are inputs to this event:

User - the User name

Error - the error text

StackTrace - technical information about where the error occurred

Parameters - the list of data input in the form at the time

 • PrePublish: This is invoked before an application is published. The &path points to the application that is being published, and #input contains the fields in the publish action form. The script can raise errors or warnings to stop the publishing process. 

 • PostPublish: This is invoked after an application is successfully published. The &path points to the application that is being published, and #input contains the fields in the publish action form. 

 • Special Page Request: This script is invoked when a WorkflowFirst application gets a page request it does not recognize. It will first ask this script if it recognizes the page before displaying an error to the user. #input/Page will be the name of the page being requested and #input/Query will contain the query portion of the URL. The script should return a new URL to redirect to. 

 • System Log: This script is invoked for every interaction by the user, and can be used to maintain a central transaction log for the whole system, or for checking IP addresses of users to ensure against unauthorized access. Because this script is invoked very often by the system, care should be taken for the script not to take too long. The following input parameters are:

 Title - the description of the event

File - the file being requested

SessionID - the user's session ID

Date - the date/time when the transaction occurred

Path - the path where the transaction occurred

Params - all of the data in the form

 User - the name of the user

IP - the IP address of the user

Optional Footer Text 

 • Footer (For Viewing / Editing Data): This text will be displayed at the bottom of the page when viewing or editing. 

Session Management 

 • Session Timeout: This is the amount of time it will take before an unused session will be terminated in the system, and the user will have to log back in. 

 • Inactivity Timeout: This is the amount of time a form can be left open on the screen before the user will automatically be logged out, and the screen cleared. 

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Up Since 2/29/2024 12:02:23 AM