Inserting Records

To insert a record, you will need to HTTP POST the following information to http://servername/apiput.aspx 


The (user) entry should be a valid username, and (password) should be a base-64 encoded version of the password. 

Note: The password is encoded to stop casual snooping of the login information, but it is not particularly secure. If possible use HTTPS to access the server. 

The (path) variable is the XPath to the location in the database where you wish to insert the record.

Finally, the (json) entry will be the base64-encoded JSON of the record you wish to insert.

For example:

password=(base64 encoded password) 
path=/Reports[Name="My Reports"]/History 
actionID = insert 
json= (base-64-encoded version of this data) { ReportID: "46135", Title: "This Is My Report" }

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Up Since 2/29/2024 12:02:23 AM