Playing Back Tests

You can play back a test at any time. But keep in mind that running a test will delete all the data currently in your database and reinstate the database to the state it was in when the test was recorded. 

To play back a test, click “TEST – Run Test Group”. 

This is where you select the test to run. You can also enter some notes that will be recorded in the test case's log, for future reference. 

Once you submit that form, the test will run immediately and a few seconds later you will see the outcome. 

If the test succeeds you will see a notice that says: "Successful: The test group 'A Simple Test' ran successfully without error." 

You can then go to the 'Test Groups' tab and see the Log entry underneath the test you created, which records when the test was run and the outcome for each individual step. 

If, however, the test failed, you'll see a notice saying: "FAILED: The Test Group 'Test 4' failed." 

This means that when the same action was executed, the response or behavior of the application was different than what was recorded. When tests fail we have to figure out what precisely went wrong, which is what we'll focus on in the next section.

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Up Since 2/29/2024 12:02:23 AM