Adding a New Language

To add a new language to an application, the first step is to create the dictionary file. The dictionary file consists of a list of all the terms used in an application, along with a suitable translation for the specific language you are targeting. 

There are two ways to create the language dictionary file: 

  • Create a new empty dictionary file. 

  • Create a language update file. 

The new, empty dictionary file is what you will be doing when you want to add a new language to your application. If you want to update an existing dictionary file with any new terms that were added to the application, then you will create the language update file.

To create a new, empty dictionary file simply click on the 'Language Dictionary' link under the 'See More' reports list. This will bring up a file that you can save. The first column will contain the English language (or entered language) term, and the second column will be used to enter in the appropriate translation.

To update an existing language file, go to the specific language entry under the Application's Languages drilldown, and then click on the 'Language File Update' link in the 'See More' reports list. This will create a similar file to the one above, but the existing translations will be filled-in already. Any new terms will have a blank entry for the translation.

You should then load the file into Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet to make it easier to edit.

Once you have entered in all of the new terms, save the file as a text file (tab-separated). 

This file can also be sent to anyone familiar with the specific language and application terms. That user doesn't need to have or use WorkflowFirst and just edit the file using a common spreadsheet application. 

Next go to the Application record, and then go to the Languages drilldown. Click 'Create New' to create a new language entry.

The following fields are required: 

Culture ID

The culture ID is a special ID that is used to designate to the system which language and locale to which you are referring. This code is based on RFC 4646 and is a combination of an ISO 639 two-letter lowercase culture code associated with a language and an ISO 3166 two-letter uppercase subculture code associated with a country or region.

This code is used by the system to determine how to display numbers and dates. If this isn't important, you can enter en-US for American English formats.

A list of common culture IDs can be found in Culture ID Reference 


The title is the name of the language. This language will appear at the top right of the screen. It's customary to enter the language title in the language itself, e.g. Espanol rather than Spanish. 

Translation File

This is where you upload the actual dictionary file that you edited. Click the button to choose the file, which must be in a tab-separated text file format which can easily be exported from Microsoft Excel. 

Once the file is uploaded, the language will be available the next time the application is published.

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Up Since 2/29/2024 12:02:23 AM