Replacing Skins in WorkflowFirst Itself

You can also add skins that are used in WorkflowFirst. While you would not do this using the web-interface itself, you can add the files it would normally create right into the WorkflowFirst's Files folder. For example you can create a p_test_dbf.htm file into the Files folder, and then entering '&platform=test' to any WorkflowFirst URL will then load that file as the master template. 

Providing detailed instructions on accomplishing this is beyond the scope of this guide, but refer to the example files specified in the previous section to get an idea of which filenames to use. 

Note : You cannot overwrite the default templates used in WorkflowFirst. If you do this then they will be replaced on the next upgrade.

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v4.2.0.956 (beta)
Up Since 2/29/2024 12:02:23 AM