
While you can easily create customized views for individual records or fields, sometimes you may want to change the way the entire application looks. You can do this using a feature of WorkflowFirst called 'Skinning'.

One example of skinning is the mobile phone interface for your WorkflowFirst applications. When WorkflowFirst or its applications are accessed through a mobile phone, the interface is replaced with a significantly simpler and more primitive site that is compatible with the simple browser available on most phones, and also suitable for access by smaller screens that cannot accommodate the large space required by the regular interface.

WorkflowFirst supports multiple skins which can be selected by a simple parameter in the URL. You could have a special skin designed that is optimized for the BlackBerry device, or you may have a special skin for users with special needs such as color-blindness. Alternatively you can replace the default skin that is used allowing you to have a completely different look for your entire application for all users.

For more information on creating new skins, see Skinning 

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v4.2.0.956 (beta)
Up Since 2/29/2024 12:02:23 AM